Monday, October 1, 2018

1 Oct 2018 Should You Care What People Think?

Should You Care What People Think?

Most people want to fit in.  This is especially true up through high school.  Students want to make it through the day without embarrassing themselves. However, once you get into adulthood should you just fit in?  There are few businesses that look positively on employees who do not follow the corporate “culture.”   How do you motivate young staff if they have to be someone who they may not be?  

Maybe, you are not “young” any more.  Do you stay within some narrow bands at work so you are don’t make waves?  Do you do this even though inside you want to speak up and say what is on your mind?  Why? Is it because you fear losing your job? Is it because you care you what people may say about you?  

Rarely do we encourage people to be themselves.  That it is ok to be different, to say what you want.  How much better would we be if we taught people at an early age to not care so much what other people think of them?  It is important to note that not care is different than disrespecting.  Not caring about what people say also means not responding.  People can have an opinion.  You can’t attack them for their opinion because that means you really cared what they said.

I don’t think we can change the dynamics of what goes on in high school. Kids personalities are getting formed and are highly susceptible to gossip and criticism.  But we can change this after high school.  Help build stronger self-esteem and less stress to criticism. I know it is easy to say don’t care so much about what people say to you or about you.  It takes repeated enforcing throughout adulthood.  Go on with your life and ignore the critics, you will have a much better life. 

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