Tuesday, October 2, 2018

2 Oct 2028 Can Congress Have Civility?

Can Congress Have Civility?

It is sad to see the spectacle that our Federal government is today. President Trump has had a lot to do with the lack civility, however, Congress has not been a working institution for a long time.  The partisan politics that both sides play has only gotten worse.  Both blame each other.  Even the general public is split down the middle.  The vitriol spewed by both sides does not bode well for this getting better any time soon.

There have been very challenging times in Congress in the past. Actual fighting took place in the 1800’s.  Now verbal fighting has taken the place for physical confrontation.  It is the personal attacks that I don’t understand. Someone from the other political party is not the enemy.  I hate it when I see it put in those terms.  Just because someone has political views that differ from you does not mean they are any less of an American than you are.  

Why is it so hard to have personal relationships with people of the other political party?  Are the politicians so afraid of their bases that any friendship is viewed as selling out? If the Congressperson or Senator feels that way, then they have no business being there.  A leader can tell their constituency that it is necessary for democracy to work to have not only professional but also personal relationships within Congress.  

Do I wish the President was a builder of relationships and not a destroyer, of course.  However, he has shown no capability to do that.  It is Congress that needs to be the bigger people and do what is best for all American’s and not just their small bases.  Lead, but with an open hand of friendship and not a closed fist.   Be the better person.

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