Monday, October 29, 2018

29 Oct 2018 What Political Party Do You Support?

What Political Party Do You Support?

I was a registered Republican for many years.  It was more because I agree with about 75% of the platform. I also agreed with 25% of the Democratic platform. So, I guess I was more a liberal conservative then a conservative liberal. 

Several years ago, I became an independent. I could not be associated with either party.  Both have become a shell of their former selves because they allow the fringe elements of the party to dictate things.

That leaves me with a dilemma, who do I vote for?  Is it the lessor of two evils?  I have to vote.  It would be hypocritical to complain about politics if I did not vote. A write in vote seems like a waste.  I know that a candidate is not going to have the same views as me in all things.  Are there some areas that are “non-negotiable?” I would say yes.  I can’t support someone who wants a total ban on abortions or one that wants them at all times no matter what.  I am not complete pro-choice, hard to support late term just because you changed your mind and don’t want it.  “Free” health care for all? In theory yes, but you would have to show me how it can be funded and executable. I have not seen a system that is sustainable.  I believe in the concept, just not any of the solutions. More defense spending, no.  We spend way too much and waste way too much as it is.   Tax the rich? No.  Tax everyone the same.   Balance the budget? Yes, we need to live within the resources we have. I want someone with the political courage to make the tough choices to get us to a balanced budget.

I look at all candidates and will vote for the ones who I believe are the best for the job. No one will be perfect, most are not qualified.  But I will vote.

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