Sunday, October 7, 2018

7 Oct 2018 Will Judge Kavanaugh Be Accepted?

Will Judge Kavanaugh Be Accepted?

 Now that Judge Kavanaugh has been sworn in onto the Supreme Court, will he be accepted? In time he will, but it will take a lot of effort on his part.  He will have to show that he is impartial in how he approaches and rules on cases. Though most pundits can already predict how the members will vote and they don’t say they are impartial. Everyone is political, even Supreme Court judges.

I expect there will protests and shouts at Judge Kavanaugh for the foreseeable future.  He has been judged guilty by a lot of the population.  That may not be right or fair but a reality.  The circus with Clearance Thomas died down pretty quickly, however, there was no social media or internet to keep the anger going.  Today, Judge Kavanaugh can expect vilification for a long time. Both sides are going to continue to use the issue for political purposes.

We won’t how the female members of the court treat him unless some clerk leaks it. One thing the Court members are is discrete.  I expect there will be an icy relationship for a time.  Judges at that level all have known one another for a long time.  It is not like he is some outsider.  He sat on the appellate bench in DC.  

It would be best if Judge Kavanaugh disappeared from public life for a while.  Unfortunately, his wife and kids may bear the brunt of the ugly side of anger.  They should not be in the frag zone but will be.  

He is confirmed, people are and will be very angry for some time.  If the members of the court treat him as an equal, then things will eventually be ok. Until, we will just have to filter out the noise.   

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