Monday, October 8, 2018

8 Oct 2018 How Honest Are You?

How Honest Are You?

 I started a program where the number one foundation is “Stop Fucking Lying And Start Telling The Truth.”  No exceptions, ever.  They say people go through life and are not even conscious how many times they are not truthful.  Even “little lies” are not acceptable.  One other area that is stressed is that lies of omission are just as bad as directly lying.  It also means coming clean for your past.  You can’t just sweep it under the rug and ignore the damage it did.  Come clean and let others decide how they are going to deal with it.  They may still accept you or not, but they will have the full picture of the past with you. 

I have to admit I have not been an honest person, especially with the lies of omission. The “I didn’t want to hurt the other person” was a poor excuse.  In the end all that I did cause was hurt.

Will truth truly set you free?  I can’t see why it wouldn’t.  It may be uncomfortable, even very uncomfortable at times.  However, you won’t find out until you do it. 

I am now honest in what I say and do.  There are no little lies or those by admission.  It may not be what everyone wants to hear, but it is better than the alternative.  That does not mean I am going to unload on someone I have a disagreement with. There is discretion involved that does not require lying.  Deliberately hurting someone and then claiming, “I was just being honest does not make you the better person.”

It will be uncomfortable to account for your past.  It will be uncomfortable to say what you really feel.  It will take people, especially those you love, time to process your honesty.  Just do it, you will be a better person.   

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