Sunday, October 14, 2018

14 Oct 2018 What Is Trump’s Strategy?

What Is Trump’s Strategy?

I know it is easy to think that President Trump is unfit for office, he gives us plenty of reasons why.  However, have you ever tried to think what his strategy is?  Yes, he really operates on the now, today and does not give much thought to tomorrow. But, this is a strategy in itself.  He did not want to become President and had no idea how to be a President once elected.  After 20 months in office I think he actually likes it.  He knows he is in a position of power that only 44 other people have experienced.  He craved the attention of the rich and powerful in New York.  I don’t think he was ever truly accepted by them.  Now he has far surpassed them.  

He now wants two terms in office because that puts him in even rarer company. Only 21 have been elected to a second term.  To do that he is going to have to make some attempt get back even a small portion of the woman and minorities he has lost.  I have no idea how he will do that.  His base is shrinking.  His only chance at re-election is if the Democrats put forth a candidate that is even more extreme than him.  Don’t put it past them to do that.

It is safe to say that any coherent strategy will not come from him.  The mid-term elections may go a long way to see if he makes any changes at all in how he governs.  I almost think he wants a Democratic Congress because he will always blame them. He will take no responsibility for anything.  That may energize his base, but that too is shrinking. 

Trump likes chaos.  He thinks it is an effective wat to govern.  I don’t support that view, however, he has a couple of years to convince enough voters in key states that will allow him to win again without getting the most votes.   

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