Wednesday, October 10, 2018

10 Oct 2018 Do You Love What You Do?

Do You Love What You Do?

You can read a lot of material and listen to podcasts that talk about following your passion.  I fully agree with that, however, for many people they are in their current jobs for the near future for a variety of reasons.  Can you be happy at a job you do not love?  Yes you can if there are certain conditions.  First, you have to have some enjoyment in what you actually do.  It may not be your dream job but it can still provide some satisfaction.  You cannot be bored.  If you are, you will do whatever you can to change jobs.  Next, you have to have a good working relationship with the people around you.  You do not have to socialize with them outside of work but you do enjoy their company during the day.  You also feel they are qualified and strive to do a good job.  

It can be the perception more than the reality that drives how you feel about a job.  In the long term the reality will come out, however, there may be short-term periods where you are either mad or happy at work.  

The corporate atmosphere or culture is critical to your happiness.  There will be companies that the work is what you want to do but the culture is not a good fit.  The opposite is true where you love the people but not the work.  Either situation will prevent long-term employment. 

It does not matter so much what your job is.  You can find satisfaction in everything you do.  Most people do have a passion for something.  Finding that job in the company that aligns with you is the goal.  Don’t settle until you find it.  

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