Thursday, October 25, 2018

25 Oct 2018 Do You Have Recurring Dreams?

Do You Have Recurring Dreams?

When I was young I use to have recurring things in my dreams, but as I grew older any repeating times were rare.  It has also been a long time since I had a dream that involved monsters. When you are a kid those aren’t dreams but nightmares.   I had plenty of those.

The thing I look forward to is lucid dreaming.  That is, you are still asleep but also aware you are in a dream and can control your actions.  Those are a lot of fun.  I bet there are ways to increase your ability to have lucid dreaming, I just have not looked into it.

One interesting thing I learned about my dreams was I can’t lose a fight.  Any altercation I get into I don’t feel pain and I also can win the fight.  I can also jump really high and almost fly.  Those are good feelings.  What is interesting is when I look into mirror in a dream.  I don’t see a clear image of myself.  I can’t make myself out.  It is also the same when I look at my arms or legs, they are not in focus.  Now anyone else in the dream comes in very clear. 

I do feel pain in a dream when I have a real cramp in my leg.  In the dream I try to stretch the muscle, but it does not work until I wake up and actually work it.  

There are many good dreams and challenging ones.  The really bad nightmares from childhood seem to be in the past.   Some dreams you can recall clearly, and others make no sense at all.  Someday, I may try to journal what my dream was that night before and see if I do have any other patterns.  Until then I will just get into more fights and fly away.

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