Tuesday, October 23, 2018

23 Oct 2018 Why Don’t You Run For Political Office?

Why Don’t You Run For Political Office?

I have thought a lot of running for a political office.  I have been a political junkie for a long time. However, the current climate makes it very challenging to enter into a race. Specifically, I was not looking at local positions but the House of Representatives in my Florida District.  

I would be an independent candidate. I just can’t support the platforms of either political party. In some issues I am conservative and others I would be viewed as liberal.  Neither party would accept me because of those split views. There is no such thing as a conservative Democrat or a liberal Republican anymore.

The thing that turns me off the most is how far a party or opponent or the press would dig into my background or my family’s background to find even the slightest issue that could be used against me. Now I know you need to be thick skinned to be in politics. I am willing to answer for things I have done in the past. However, my near and extended family should not have their issues brought out just because I chose to run for political office. This may sound like a convenient excuse. I can see that.

It is extremely challenging to upset the sitting House member of my district. It has been a Republican stronghold for decades.  There is an ex-Marine aviator who has now tried twice to beat the incumbent in the primaries.  Though he is the better candidate and a better person he has not been able to overcome the Republican parties backing of the incumbent. I would not have to face the incumbent in the primary as I would run as an independent.

I have not given up on the idea of running. I just need to make a realistic assessment of the chances of success.  I know I would face the full efforts of the Republican Party to do whatever it could to damage my chances. You can’t win if you don’t try, but you have to assess the cost of winning or losing.

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