Saturday, October 13, 2018

13 Oct 2018 Do You Get Medical Check-Ups?

Do You Get Medical Check-Ups?

I was my own worst patient.  I only went to the doctor if I absolutely had to.  In June I decided to get a physical.  I didn’t even have a primary care physician.  So, I got one of those now.  He has me goes see a cardiologist because my heart was spiking high (220bpm) when I did HIIT session on the spin bike. Had an EKG and found I had “a-flutter.” Got that fixed.  Now they are looking at my PSA levels for the prostate. Get to have a biopsy for that.  Doc is not concerned, more of a let’s take a cautious approach and check it early.  

I actually feel pretty good.  I have the normal aches and pain due to arthritic knees, but they have been ok so far this year.  I have had to had them drained each year for the past the several.   I have been riding my spin bike a lot, so I am going with the story that it has helped.

I consider my health history as pretty positive.  I have had a few surgeries (gall bladder, appendix, now the flutter fix) but all-in-all I feel fortunate.  The biggest thing is I have had a relatively pain free life.  I know people who have chronic pain.  I don’t know how they are able to go months and years with it. 

I haven’t just ignored doctors.  I did the same to dentists.  Fortunately, I have had great teeth.  I now go to see my dentist each year.  

What made no sense was I have good health and dental care from my work.  I was paying into them but not using it. Not one of smarter things.

So, I recommend everyone get thorough physical every year.  Ask for a comprehensive blood work-up.  That can give you early indications of issues.  I may have not been a health wise person before, but I am now.  

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