Wednesday, October 17, 2018

17 Oct 2018 What Are Your Traveling Challenges?

What Are Your Traveling Challenges?

I have traveled a lot for work. In that time, I have experienced all the good and challenging aspects of that. My one complaint with the airlines is that they measure seats for short people. They can claim all they want that their seats comfortably fit on X percentage of the population. However, I know what they call a normal sized person is far from it.

I know I am not a normal sized person, but, I don’t consider myself that far from the norm. It is rare airline where basic economy is comfortable. Fortunately, I fly enough with American Airlines that I can move up to the premium economy section for little or no cost. 

The best economy section I ever flew was on Air New Zealand. They had very comfortable seats with plenty of legroom and foot rests. Those are very important on the long flights over the Pacific.

It is a rare flight that is not completely full. I wish the airlines would enforce the carry-on rules. I know they don’t want to anger passengers, but it is getting ridiculous what people bring on. I don’t think a full-size guitar case qualifies as carry-on size.  But I see that often enough. There would be plenty of overhead space if the airlines just follow the rules they publish.

I also don’t understand how someone can hold a child on their lap. If everyone is supposed to put their seatbelt on for takeoffs and landings and turbulence, how can a parent hold on to a child. That is why they are not allowed hold them while driving. Everyone including infants should have their own seat. On my flight home yesterday, I got the privilege of having a little kid on a parent’s lap kicking the back of my seat. Do you think the parent did anything, no. They thought it was so cute that their child was laughing. I felt otherwise.

Unless you can afford business class, air travel will remain a challenge.

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