Saturday, October 6, 2018

6 Oct 2018 What Is The Fall-Out Of The Kavanaugh Saga?

What Is The Fall-Out Of The Kavanaugh Saga?

I said before there are no winners and only losers in this.  Will it stop women from coming forward with sexual assault claims, yes I believe it would. This is especially true if she has no one else to back up her claim.

One thing I am concerned with from the other side is assumption of guilt. It can’t be he is guilty just because someone made the charge.  If you don’t believe innocence until proven guilty then you don’t believe in the foundation of our criminal justice system.  There are Senators being accosted and screamed at because they still support Judge Kavanaugh. Dr. Ford presented credible testimony. However, she was not able to provide enough factual data to support her claim to the point that a prosecutor would take it to trial.  This has nothing to do with guilt or innocence, it has to do with can the claim be proved in court.  Also, if it was her “civic duty” to come forward, why did she not go to the Montgomery County police in Maryland and file the claim?  If all she wanted was to keep him off the of Supreme Court, then I am not as inclined to support her. Civic duty is political, going to the police is looking for justice.  Don’t claim that you have been traumatized for your life and then not take police action on it but take political action on it.

I need to state again that I believe Dr. Ford had a traumatic event in her teenage years that has had a lasting impact on her.  I also believe that Judge Kavanaugh was a very heavy drinker in high school and college and abused alcohol.  

I don’t know how we can heal from this wound. Starting with civil discourse on it would help.  Screaming at someone in a restaurant or protesting outside their home is not going to convince me of your side of the argument.  A claim is not guilt. Supporting different positions on social issues from you does make someone guilty. 

We need leadership to help heal and there is no one is Washington capable of that right now.   

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