Tuesday, October 9, 2018

9 Oct 2018 Is Either Side Right?

Is Either Side Right?

With the hyper partisan atmosphere in Washington, is either side right?  I know each blames the other side for all that is wrong.  Neither one seems to want to step up and admit that both sides have blame.  No one wants to offer up constructive solutions except to say the other party needs to be voted out.  However, that is the worse solution possible.  It is critical that we have at least a viable two-party system. 

The Republicans had the closest thing to real power and they could not make it work. The Democrats have had the same issue in the past.  Both of the hard-core bases for each party don’t represent a majority.  They may be the most vocal, but they don’t represent what is best about the parties. In fact, it is the opposite.  The country would be in very bad shape if the party passed legislation and ruled by the wants of the rabid side of their respective bases. 

True leaders are able to convince part of the opposition, through compromise, to support plans and policies that are not totally in line with their parties platform.  What is best for the country as a whole has to be the foundation for all legislation.

Yes, there will always be interest groups to support.  Everyone, and I mean everyone, is an interest group in one form or another.  

No one is right today in Washington.  I don’t see a leader on the horizon to improve things, at least until the 2020 elections.  Perhaps, someone will come forward who is a true unifier?  Can one of the parties put forth a candidate that has those qualities?   I do hope so. Until then we have what we got.  That is sad.

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