Saturday, October 20, 2018

20 Oct 2018 Is Either Party Diverse?

Is Either Party Diverse?

You can read a lot about how non-inclusive the Republican Party is. Is the Democratic Party inclusive? Can a pro-gun person be part of it, how about pro-life or a right-to-work supporter?  The opposite questions can be asked of Republicans.

There is a lack of the middle or someone willing to compromise is missing in both parties.  Why does someone have to strictly follow all of the parties positions?  If the extremes of both parties, and they are extreme, demand 100% loyalty to all platform areas where does that leave someone who does not fully embrace the positions? For Dems you absolutely have to be pro-choice first.  There is no deviation allowed whatsoever.   See how far a pro-life position will get you in the party.  The progressives will be relentless in their assault on you.  The assault may not be just verbal but physical.  For the Republicans, a pro-choice position including late term abortions would get the same reaction.  

We have a polarized political system today.  It was enflamed with the Judge Kavanaugh hearings.  The Dems believed Dr. Ford with no dissenting opinions allowed. If she said it, it had to be true.  The Republicans believed Judge Kavanaugh.  If he said it, it had to be true.  

We need elected officials who are willing to stand up to their respective parties.  No one should be shackled to a party’s platform at all times.  Compromise is not a bad thing.  Will standing up for what you really believe mean defeat?  If you don’t stand up, you don’t deserve to be elected anyway.     

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