Wednesday, October 24, 2018

24 Oct 2018 Can You Ever Overcome Your Past?

Can You Ever Overcome Your Past?

The Judge Kavanaugh hearing brought up the issue of can you ever overcome something that may have happened decades ago?  I am not saying he did or didn’t do what was claimed. I am only looking at it from a redemption standpoint.  

There is a lot of data to support that Judge Kavanaugh has an outstanding record for supporting women lawyers.  A cynic would say he is doing this to atone for his past actions.  That well may be true, we will never know.  We do know that the country is pretty well split on him.  There is nothing to support that he has done anything wrong as an adult out of college. In college and before there are plenty of people to support he did abuse alcohol, but not any sexual assault.  

There is no way around the Kavanaugh story that is not political. The Democrats waited to very late in the process to let the story out. A credible victim who said it was her civic duty to come forward but only for political reasons and not a criminal one. The Republicans who allow a short “investigation” which they knew would give the answer they wanted. Even Judge Kavanaugh brought politics into his defense.

I doubt that anybody has a true clean past that would not be brought against them in some way for political gain. It does not matter how long ago the alleged offense happened, if it can hurt someone politically it will be used.  That’s a sad commentary on our political society but unfortunately it is the reality. Even something that may have been done when you were a minor is now fair game. It will be interesting to see how far back inside someone’s minor years a political party will go to discredit them. You know it’s coming.  

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