Tuesday, October 30, 2018

30 Oct 2018 Why Don’t Politicians Sell Themselves?

Why Don’t Politicians Sell Themselves?

The vast majority political ads tell me why I shouldn’t vote for a certain person. You would think a politician would be able to sell themselves. However, that seems far from the case.  Just about every sales class or program I have read says to speak positively about your product and not bash the other product. Somewhere there must be a poll that says negative advertising works. It certainly doesn’t for me. In fact, I would be hard pressed to support any candidate who could only say negative things about their opponent.

I know people consider politics a rough-and-tumble profession, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have integrity.  Part of having integrity is to be the better person and tell why you are the better candidate. Voters would be more impressed with someone who could convince them to vote for him/her because of what they would bring as an elected official in a positive sense instead of what the opponent will do or did do in a negative sense.

Congress is rated so poorly by the public.  You would think they would want to at least be seen as positive people vice just attacking ones. You don’t have to be an asshole to be a politician though most take great pride in it. 

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