Monday, October 15, 2018

15 Oct 2018 What Do You Do Really Well?

What Do You Do Really Well?

Everyone has a talent at something.  It may seem trivial to you; however, it should not be looked at that way.  What you are good at usually is a good indication of what you would want to do for a living.   Many people think they could not make a living at what they are good at because they don’t believe others would want to buy it. 

The internet has opened up the world to everyone for business.  No longer are you bounded by your town size or location. You can’t think “I live in a town of 3,000 people, I can’t make a living selling X.”  You have to look at it as “there are over a billion people online, I only need 1,000 (or whatever that number is) steady customers to make a living.”  Seth Godin says you only need 1,000 true fans (customers) to be successful.  

There are many stories of people who started a business online who most thought couldn’t make money.  They not only make money but a lot of it.  

Again, the mindset has to be about the global reach of even the smallest business. So, you should consider how you can translate what you are really go at into a business.  The customers are out there. Be bold and at least try.

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