Wednesday, October 3, 2018

3 Oct 2018 Can Independent Politicians Make A Difference?

Can Independent Politicians Make A Difference?

I believe the two-party system we currently have has to change.  I want to see independent candidates gets elected. However, you can’t have an independent party.  That would just evolve into the same challenges we have with the current parties. A party has a platform that a candidate or elected official has to follow and that takes independence away. 

I think an association or alliance of independent politicians can be created. The goal would be help fund their campaign efforts.  There would not be any doctrine or policies a candidate would have to follow, just that they act as a true independent. They would not caucus with either of the two parties or be bound by any seniority rules the parties follow.

In fact, one of the main goals of the association would be to work towards changing many of the rules that the two parties have set up in order for them to control power.  However, this demands independence.  Once an official accepts the status quo, they are no longer independent.  This is especially true if they accept a position in return for some quid-pro-quo from either party. 

Every independent official is going to agree with either party on a lot of issues and legislation.  Independent does not mean completely different.  It just means they will weigh their votes based on what they feel is best for their constituents and the country and not what some committee or party leader wants them to do.  

This association and independent candidates have to happen if we want things to change in Washington.            

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