Thursday, October 18, 2018

18 October 2018 Is Fighting Ever Justified?

Is Fighting Ever Justified?

Other than your life in immediate danger, is there ever a justified reason to get into a fight?  Not a verbal one but a physical one.   I have been in many situations that came close to a throw down, but I have only been in one real fight. We had boxing matches in the military, however, that was organized fighting.  In high school I had a fight with another guy.  It was in the hallway in school so only lasted a short time.  Got some good hits in and avoided getting hit.  Teachers broke it up.  For some reason we did not get expelled.  We got along after that.

As an adult, I don’t think I can see a scenario where fighting is ok.  Life threatening yes.  However, guys who talk tough are rarely tough.  They just don’t think anyone will stand up to them.  About every time it is best to turn and walk away.  There is the rare case where you have to get in someone’s face to get their attention.  It may be they are harassing someone, but it calls for intervention. You will not start off with fighting behavior but a calm demeanor.  You have to get them to believe you are willing to fight but will do everything you can to avoid it.   You also have to be prepared to fight if he is not going to back down.  The situation will get much worse if you were only bluffing on a willingness to fight. That is why it is critical to decide if the situation warrants intervention. 

Today you also have to be very careful about fighting.  Guns and knives are so prevalent that you should assume the person could be armed.  You could quickly find yourself in a bad situation if you were prepared to fight but he had other weapons.  

A Navy Seal went into a bar and someone grabbed his wife’s ass.  He beat the guy up.  He went to jail for assault.  The judge said he knew how to fight and should have controlled himself.  You have to be careful how much you hit someone. 

Avoiding fighting, it has to be the very last resort.  Walk away or do whatever you can to diffuse the situation. Nobody wins a fight. 

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