Friday, October 5, 2018

5 Oct 2018 Is Judge Kavanaugh Done?

Is Judge Kavanaugh Done?

Last week I was pretty certain that Judge Kavanaugh was going to be confirmed. I do not mean this to discount Dr. Ford’s testimony in any way shape or form. She gave very credible testimony. I have no doubt she experienced an assault that has had a deep and lasting impact on her. However, there are just too many question marks to definitively determined who did it. Both her and judge Kavanaugh maybe telling the truth, I don’t think we will ever know.

What I think will stop or should stop Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation is that information his classmates are now talking about. His supporters and even those who were not strongly behind him still do not believe he did the sexual assault. They feel he has misled or in this case lied under oath to the Senate Judiciary committee about his alcohol use in high school and in college. Every one of them said if he was just honest and admitted that he drank heavily in high school and college that they would still support him. However, he testified to present this picture of himself that is not in line with the reality they saw. Everyone of them said he was a heavy drinker. Most admitted they too were heavy drinkers. They also believe though he was a heavy drinker he did not commit a sexual assault.

He may have been embarrassed to admit how much he drank in his youth, and  the fact he couldn’t tell the truth about it is what upset his friends and classmates from that time period. 

His failure to tell the truth in this area puts his character and integrity into question. This was unacceptable to his friends and classmates. Your integrity is everything especially if you are going to be on the Supreme Court.

The sexual assault allegation will not Bring him down, but his lying under oath about drinking will do it. I don’t understand why he would not be honest about that. Yes, he can be embarrassed about it, but to say he didn’t abuse alcohol when it was very common at that age and many of his friends and classmates would testify that he did, and they did to. 

For a man who strongly defended his integrity, this made no sense but should prevent him from getting on the Supreme Court.

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