Sunday, October 28, 2018

28 Oct 2018 How To Deal With The Bombs To Politicians?

How To Deal With The Bombs To Politicians?

Politics is a tough profession.  You have to be able to withstand constant attacks on your character, policies and votes. You can be a tough competitor. However, you should not question the patriotism of an opponent or members of another party.  

Democrats are no less patriotic than Republicans. The press is no less patriotic than Republicans.  Fox News is no more patriotic than CNN and MSNBC.  Rachael Madow is no less patriotic Sean Hannity.    We can have vast differences in our policies, but we should not take to personal hatred. Unfortunately, that is the politics of today.  It is not just policies but extreme personal animosity.  President Trump leads this. 

The constant lies and disdain he shows for Democrats and the press has directly led to the recent bombs sent to Democratic people.  You are kidding yourself if you don’t think he has not inflamed this.  He talks about unity but everything he says and does is about division.

This was domestic terror.  The Presidents half-hearted response was pathetic.  If he was truly a leader who wanted unity, he would have brought all of the intended victims to the White House and told the terrorists that he is on the side of the victims. That the full force of the US government would track them down.  He could have done this, but no.   Every single Republican in Congress should have brought them to the steps of the Capitol and stood by their side as well as with their Democrat counterparts and said, “We are with our fellow Americans.”    But that takes leadership and patriotism. Every single Republican should have denounced this in unequivocal terms and say that it goes against all we hold dear in a democracy. 

If the President and Republicans don’t change their rhetoric, the bomb packages may not stop. 

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