Friday, October 26, 2018

26 Oct 2018 What Do You Sedate With?

What Do You Sedate With?

Most people think of sedation interns of alcohol and drugs. However, there are others such as TV and the Internet. I look at sedation in terms of escaping something you are trying to avoid.

This avoidance could be anything from a stressful job, parenting challenges, financial issues, excuses to not working out and any number of other things. There are times when you need to just disconnect from life issues. Watching a favorite Netflix series or going on YouTube maybe just the thing you need to distress. However, if this is your routine every evening then you may have a bigger issue. It is so easy turn on the TV or get on that laptop and tune out the world. But that won’t solve your challenges. The sedation is strong. You may think you are helping yourself by using these to reduce your stress, but you are just putting off the real work that needs to be done.

I watch very little TV, but I have to be very careful about my time on the Internet. YouTube is a vast time pit for me.  I tell myself I learn a lot from the YouTube videos I watch.  I’m kidding myself though. I try to have the discipline and not look at YouTube during the week. On weekends I try to set time limits. I am not always successful, but I have seen a significant reduction in the time I waste on it.

I strive to spend more time creating stuff or fixing challenges I may have instead of sedation through consumption of Internet sites.  At times it is a challenge but one I work on every day.

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