Sunday, April 1, 2018

1 Apr 2018 Is The Old Testament True?

Is The Old Testament True?

When growing up I was told a lot of the stories from the Bible.  Some were from the Old Testament and others from the New.  The question is, are they parables to learn about life or factual accounts of events.  I know it comes down to the issue of faith.  Do you believe in what you can’t actually prove?

I always had a challenge with the contradictions in it.  Right at the start in Genesis Chapter 2 verse 7 God makes man (Adam) and in verse 22 a woman (Eve).   Chapter 4 verse 1 Eve bears Cain.  In verse 17 Cain gets married and has children.  If man started with Adam and Eve, who were Cain’s in-laws?

If you have this kind question right at the start of the book, how can you believe that it is actually true?  The Old Testament has many fantastic stories.  To me they are stories.  I don’t think that Moses actually parted the Red Sea.  If Noah brought two of every animal on the Ark, where did he get the kangaroos? Not a lot of those in what is present day Turkey.

I do not demean anyone who believes in the Old Testament.  It is faith.  The issue I have is how Brene Brown put it that today what use to be faith is now certainty.  You couldn’t prove it, but you believed it anyway. 

I want more data before I buy into what is depicted in the Old Testament as factual history.  If you buy into it great, just don’t make your opinion be the only one.  As I won’t make mine.    

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