Tuesday, April 3, 2018

3 Apr 2018 Is The Death Penalty Justified?

Is The Death Penalty Justified?

This question has caused me to think a lot. For a long time I had no problem with the death penalty. For the most part it seemed justified if someone took the life of another. However, there have been several cases where the “guilty” person was found innocent after DNA evidence became available. These were people who we’re on death row. I don’t think we could ever make the system 100% accurate. How many cases are open and shut?

Does someone have to kill another person in order to be given the death penalty? I would say no, but it would have to be very limited. For me, that means pedophiles, slavery and child sex trafficking. The evidence would have to be overwhelming.

Should someone who is given the death penalty be executed in a humane manner? Or, should there be any pain involved? The emotional side would say yes the person should have to suffer like the victims did. The logical side would argue that violates the cruel and unusual punishment clause in the constitution.

Executing someone is not cruel and unusual punishment in my mind. But I would not support taking the manner of how the victims died into how the guilty person will die.

If you did not execute the person but gave them very hard labor which led to killing them would that constitute cruel and unusual punishment? I would tend to say yes. I had outlined in an earlier question what hard time meant to me for a prisoner. I do make a distinction between hard time and hard labor.

Having the death penalty as a sentence needs to be debated. Some societies never execute a person because they feel it is morally wrong. Others go in the other direction and execute for much lesser offensives.

When a government takes a person’s life, it better have no doubt. There can’t be mistakes. This is my position today, however, it may evolve.

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