Thursday, April 26, 2018

26 Apr 2018 Do You Go To Doctors?

Do You Go To Doctors?

 I have to admit I am not a good patient for doctors.  I do not do yearly checkups and only go if it is really necessary.  Now I know this is not the right thing to do, however, after a few decades it has become my norm.  

I have a home blood pressure kit, so I do check that.  I have a heart rate monitor I use when riding my spin bike.  It lets me know if I if I am training too hard or not enough.  

I do get to visit an orthopedic clinic a couple of times a year to have a knee drained.  I don’t actually see the doctor but his Physicians Assistant Gregg.  Gregg knows just what to do when I come because I am a regular. It takes about 5 mins for him to do his thing and I am out of there.  I get a day’s heads up when I know I will be seeing him.  My knee starts to swell.  I have no idea what triggers it.  Each knee has the problem.   Sometimes I have gone 12 months without a draining and sometimes it is 3 months. 

I am very fortunate that my medical issues have been pretty mild.  Other than arthritis in knees and feet, I have no other major problems.  I am very grateful for this.  I have a lot of empathy for people who are in constant pain.  

I am due later this year for a colonoscopy.  I had one in 2008.  That is a procedure I will have done and not blow off.  

Some people go to the doctors for the most minor things.  I am not one of them.  But if that is what they feel they need, then ok.  I can only do things that I know will help keep the doctor away. At least that is the plan. 

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