Thursday, April 19, 2018

19 Apr 2018 Do You Listen To The Voice In Your Head?

Do You Listen To The Voice In Your Head?

The person you probably spend the most time talking to is yourself.  The voice in your head goes 24/7.  It is always ready to have a talk or more importantly to conduct a monologue with you.  It does not really care what you have to say, it only matters what it says.  And it is always talking.  This brings out an important point.  That voice in your head is not you.  Michael Singer in his book The Untethered Soul,  does a great job in explaining this. You are the person who is listening to that voice in your head.

From my experience, the voice in my head does not give good advice.  I have spent way too much time listening and “arguing” with it.  It gets stuck on a couple of tracks that play over and over again.  These tracks are not helping me.  I know it sounds like I have no control over my own thoughts.  I just know when I am alone and have time to think, these 2 areas keep coming up. 

It is sometimes fun to just sit back and listen to that voice take off.  It can change direction and focus at an astounding rate.  I am amazed at times with what it comes up with.  It has taken me a long time to comes to terms with that voice.  I have made many impulsive decisions from it. 

I am working each day to improve the quality of my thoughts.  I want that voice to focus on the positive.  It may take a long time, but I will get there.

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