How Loyal Are You?
James Comey the former FBI director just released his book about dealing with President Trump. In it he talks about how the President more or less asks him how loyal he will be. The President failed to understand that the FBI is not a group he owns. They are part of the Justice Department and are supposed to be non-political. Yes, they are citizens who have political views but not to use them in their work.
Are you more loyal to your boss or to your organization? How far are you willing to let your boss, co-worker or company bend or break rules?
Is there anyone you are willing to “take a fall” for? That is, would you protect anyone out of loyalty and in doing so put yourself in a bad situation? This is being discussed about the President’s personal lawyer, Michael Cohen. Mr. Cohen says he is deeply loyal to the President. However, is he willing to risk going to jail for the President instead of being with his wife and children? I would be hard pressed to think of anyone making that choice.
Would I go jail to protect a family member who broke the law? That is a tough one. There may be circumstances that I could consider it. I would do my best to convince the person that they have a responsibility for their actions. I may love them dearly but give up my freedom…..I just struggle with doing that.
Maybe the situation is not at the level of going to jail. What ethical situation would you overlook to remain loyal to someone. If he/she cheated on their spouse, would you tell the spouse? Would you remain friends?
How about drug or alcohol abuse? How far are you willing to go to stay with a friend or loved one who has gone down that path? Each situation is unique. It would be wise to not judge anyone who chose a direction you may not have.
Loyalty has to be two way, otherwise it is poisonous relationship. Most people can define boundaries which they would not cross to support someone else when it involves a serious crime. It is the “little” ethical situations that pose the greatest challenge to test one’s loyalty. Having the conversation with yourself about where the lines are drawn for you is something that is best done in advance vice at the moment it happens. Take some time and think about it.
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