Thursday, April 5, 2018

5 Apr 2018 Should I Concentrate On Just Today?

Should I Concentrate On Just Today?

I’ve read many books and articles that talks about living for today. I have always tried to balance that philosophy with also thinking about tomorrow. The pessimist might say who cares about tomorrow you may die tonight. The optimist thinks they will live a very long time and thus must not only enjoy today but also plan for tomorrow.

I’m pretty sure that living for today it does not mean to completely ignore tomorrow. It ust means to enjoy and take advantage of what is here right now.  It’s very easy to get caught up with long-range planning and what you may do tomorrow or at some later date.

The world will pass you by if you don’t stop to observe it. I admit there were plenty of times when I did not appreciate what was in front of me at that time. I was too focused on what I wanted in the future. I know it’s a cliché that I can’t change the past. I can however, take the time each day to be grateful for what I do have.

At this stage of my life I do want to focus on today. A couple of days ago I lost someone who are served with me in the military. He lost a two-year battle with pancreatic cancer. He lived life right up to the very end and savored each day. Unfortunately, too many people including me wait for that event, whatever it may be, that slaps you across the face to remind you to take advantage of each and everyday.

For far too long I have neglected to tell the people who are important in my life just how much I value and love them. I am saddened by the loss of a friend. However, how he lived his final years is what inspires me even more to treasure today. I will spend the vast majority of my time focusing on today and what comes tomorrow and after that I will deal with it when it becomes today.

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