Friday, April 13, 2018

13 Apr 2018 How Do You Define Evil?

How Do You Define Evil?

It is easy to label people or groups as evil if you are at war with them.  “Terrorists” as defined from one’s vantage point are always labeled as evil because they have no respect for life.  However, the one you label a terrorist may be a freedom fighter to another group.  It all depends on which side you are on.

To me you are evil if you harm a child, are inhumane to animals.  If you have no basic moral code that respect an individual’s freedom.  If you belong to an organization that does not believe in the tenants of democracy and human rights.  If you feel you are superior to anyone and thus try to force your beliefs onto others.

I know I may get labeled as hypocritical on being humane to animals if I eat meat.  The raising and processing of animals for eating is an area I have a lot of conflict with.  Are there ways to raise animals in a humane manner, absolutely. Are there ways to kill the animals humanely, I am not so sure.  On a small scale maybe, but on an industrial level, I doubt it.  This does not make the people who work there evil.  In fact, a lot of the people in processing centers are not legal residents in the US but take the jobs to have an income and because no one else wants that work.  We have to find a way to raise and process the animals is as pain-free manner as possible.  Even if it adds to higher costs.  I truly believe all mammals have souls and each know when they are headed for death.  We as a society are evil if we don’t demand humane treatment of our food supply.

I know evil is a subjective label.  Everyone may have a different definition as to what constitutes being evil.  The question is, what is the level of punishment for someone who is found to be evil?  That gets very messy in a hurry.  But, you can’t sit by and let evil go unopposed.  We must face it and end it.    

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