Friday, April 27, 2018

27 Apr 2018 How Long In Advance Do You Plan?

How Long In Advance Do You Plan?

There is a saying that plans are useless, but planning is invaluable. What that means is nothing goes according to a plan, however, in your planning you should have considered alternative courses of action.  

There are some things in my life for which I plan well over a year in advance. Some of my travels have been this. 

There have been big goals that I planned for 5-7 years in advance.  I made course corrections along the way but in the end did achieve my goal.

I am not too good in planning my short-term life, say 30-60 days.  Daily or weekly, not at all.  I am working on this because it made me aware of how do I know I am working on what is important if I don’t plan it out.  I need to at least plan on accomplishing one big thing each day/week. Now “big” is very subjective.  The important thing is to identify it and make it happen.

My horizon needs to be both far away and right here.  If I only focus on something a long time away, I will be missing the opportunity to accomplish so much today.  I have a lot I want to do.  I need to make it happen sooner rather than later.      

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