Thursday, April 12, 2018

12 Apr 2018 If Hell Exists, What Gets You In?

If Hell Exists, What Gets You In?

Dante’s Inferno is the classic book on Hell.  Dante says there are 9 circles of Hell depending on the severity of your transgression.  The 9th circle is reserved for traitors which Dante says is the worst crime.  At the bottom of the 9th Circle is Satan. 

Dante goes into great detail on what each Circle is and the inhabitants.  It is really a great book, long and in verse form but, worth a read for everyone.

If one believes in Hell, does Dante’s description suffice?  I am not inclined to agree.  If there is a Hell, it should be one Hell for everyone, no levels.  To get in you would have had to commit a grave offense against one or more people.  If your actions led to severe emotional or physical pain to anyone up to and including death, you get in. The challenge is what constitutes “severe” if no death is involved?  Ah, the lawyering begins.

My dilemma is from one of the Judeo-Christian 10 Commandants, that is “thou shall not kill.”  It looks pretty black and white.  I don’t see any wiggle room where it says it is ok to kill if your country goes to war.  Or even in self-defense.  So, are all military people in Hell because they violated this Commandment?   I don’t see how not.   Are all police who killed someone…I guess so.  I can’t think of a single instance where it would be ok to kill based on how the Commandment is worded.  Who should go to Hell if someone is convicted and sentenced to death? The Jury, the Judge or the executioner who is just doing his job? If you order the death but don’t “pull the trigger” are you in…yep. 

My reading of the 10 Commandments leads me to believe Hell is a very full place.  In fact, there are more things that will get you in Hell than heaven. 

Well at least I won’t be lonely there.

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