Sunday, April 15, 2018

15 Apr 2018 Do You Drink To Be One Of The Crowd?

Do You Drink To Be One Of The Crowd?

For a lot years, I drank beer because the crowd I was with did it.  The thing is, I didn’t really like the taste.  I did it to fit in.  I had this feeling that I would be judged if I chose not to have it.  I used to work in a very competitive environment.  There was almost a “badge of honor” if someone could drink a lot.  Abuse of alcohol was pretty common.  Alcohol was prominent in just about every social event.  We took it to excess.  It got to at times we would use beer pitchers as our mix drink sizes.  Needless to say, that that led to less than great social behavior. 

I would have to say the worst example of our abuse of alcohol came at a formal function we had each year.  This one particular group I worked with would bring a bowl of goldfish and tequila to the event.  We would then spend the evening putting a goldfish into a shot of tequila and drinking it.  You got “bonus points” if you chewed it before swallowing.   

For myself, it came to a point where I know I had to stop or I was going to either hurt myself or someone else.  So, I just quit drinking alcohol cold turkey.  You know what, no one said anything negative at all.  It took about 6 months for them to come to the realization that I was serious.  In fact, most said “great we have a designated driver.”

It taught me an important lesson.  Just because a certain activity is considered part of being in the organization, it did not mean it was mandatory to do to be “part of the crowd.” 

I went a few years with no alcohol.  Today, I may have a drink or two a couple of times a year, but that’s it.  I have it when I want and not when the crowd I am with is doing it.  And yes, that drink is not beer.  Still don’t like the taste.


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