Saturday, April 14, 2018

14 Apr 2018 Is It Ok To Be Average?

Is It Ok To Be Average?

Average has a very bad rap.  But, the reality is most people fall into that category. That is the reason for the bell curve.  Everyone maybe be exceptional in a few areas, but all are average in something.  Bill Gates is brilliant at software, but I bet his running time in the mile was at best average.

You just have to decide what areas in your life it is ok be average in.  I would hope each person wants to be above average or better in something.  Average in everything would be pretty boring.  Or I guess you could make the argument that though you may be average in most things, that you aren’t below average in anything you try.

You may be content with being average and that is ok.  I won’t judge anyone who is content.  I myself need the challenge to work toward being above average in something. 

Whatever you pick to be really good at, it does not have to be in some area that benefits humanity.  It can be something most people may find mundane or insignificant. It only has to be what interests you. 

There may be something you are naturally good at while other things take a lifetime to develop. However, though someone may appear to have a “natural” talent, it still takes work to maintain it and grow it. 

There is the saying that better is the enemy of good enough.  This may be true but not in everything in your life.  Concentrate the “better” on things that truly matter to you and accept good enough on those things that don’t.  


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