Tuesday, April 10, 2018

10 Apr 2018 Should Smoking Be Banned In Public?

Should Smoking Be Banned In Public?

Ok, I have to say at the start that I hate smoking.  I can’t stand being around someone who smells like an ashtray.  Smokers should have no rights in public.  They are welcome to do what they want in the privacy of their own homes.

I get mad when I see movies today that still promote smoking in the characters when it adds nothing to storyline.  It just means a tobacco company helped fund the picture.  It is amazing how much smoking there was in movies prior to the 1980’s. 

I don’t understand it. There is nothing glamourous about it.  I also don’t buy into the excuse that it is addictive.  If that was the case, then no one would be able to stop cold turkey.  I know someone who smoked for 40 years and then just quit, never had another one. 

There is not a public place where smokers and non-smokers can interact.  You are always going to smell the smoke. 

I would have cigarettes cost at least $20 a pack, maybe more.  I find it incredibly hypocritical of Congress that they say cigarettes are ok even though it causes the death each year to hundreds of thousands, but marijuana is bad.  Please explain that one to me.

My mother smokes.  I hate going into the house I grew up in because of the smell of smoke.  It permeates the place.

Cigarettes needs to be eradicated from public life.  From TV to movies, we need to let it be known there is nothing cool about it.  You aren’t someone special if you smoke, you just smell bad.  

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