Monday, April 2, 2018

2 Apr 2018 Is It Ever Ok To Not Tell The Truth?

Is It Ever Ok To Not Tell The Truth?

Have to qualify this question at the start. When I talk about not telling the truth it has to deal with your normal day-to-day life. There can always be an exception say when someone’s life is in peril and if you did not fully tell the truth that may help their situation.

Other than that very unique situation, I don’t believe there is a time when not telling the truth it is justified. I understand that there could be situations at work or even at home where telling the truth could be uncomfortable to some people. Now telling the truth in response to a question is different then you saying what is on your mind. You may not like someone at work. Their performance maybe fine but you just don’t get along with them. Is there value to telling the truth to them? If nobody asks you then you should not say anything.

If you have children, it is especially important for them to understand how important it is to tell the truth. The parent sets the example for this. If the child sees that it is okay to not be truthful when it is convenient, that will stay with them into adulthood.

If you want a full relationship with your spouse, then telling the truth has to be the cornerstone. Even when each other may not want to hear it.

Sometimes it is hardest to tell the truth to yourself. Those “conversations” are usually had when looking in the mirror.

The saying honesty is the best policy it is vital. You should not just strive to be honest but have it as a part of your core being.

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