Wednesday, April 18, 2018

18 Apr 2018 Should Sugar Be Regulated Like A Drug?

Should Sugar Be Regulated Like A Drug?

Refined sugar and high fructose corn syrup are two of the most addictive substances around.  Now addictive may be too strong of word.  It is not like people are stealing and would do anything for the sugar “high” like a heroin.  But sugar does cause cravings and foods with high concentrations of these two products can have negative effects.

Obesity is major issue.  You can almost track when high fructose corn syrup was introduced to the general population and when the obesity levels started to rise. These two are in a lot of products on the store shelves.  In moderation, yes you can do just fine with these.  The problem is, most people don’t do moderation.  Also, the labeling was misleading.  You would at times see something in a 12 ounce can of soda that said it had so many calories.  What you failed to see was that it was per serving and the can had two servings.  A lot of people would be amazed at just how much sugar is in one can of Coke.

You will see a lot of the high fructose and refined sugar companies say that sugar is sugar.  We shouldn’t demonize them for this.  I just want these two products to be taxed at a high rate so that it gets minimized in the food we can buy. 

I understand the argument that government should stay out of this.  If people want to eat this stuff, so be it.  However, government taxes tobacco and alcohol because of the negative effects they have, why not do the same for sugar?

We need to have honest labeling about these two products and consumers need to understand just how badly they impact your body.  The products that have them may taste good, but that does mean they are good for you.

Get these out of your day to day food intake.  Your body will thank you.


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