Wednesday, April 11, 2018

11 Apr 2018 What Do You Think Happens When You Die?

What Do You Think Happens When You Die?

This is one of the great mysteries of life.  Nobody knows the real answer.  The religious of the Christian, Jewish and Islamic faiths believe there is an afterlife for “good” people in a place that goes by various names, usually heaven, but it is a wonderful.  They also believe there is place for “bad” people called hell.

There are humanists that believe that your energy is released when you die and that energy goes on.  There are also others who believe that nothing happens when you die.  You just die, that’s it.

Multitudes of stories abound of people who had “out of body experiences.”  These usually take place during some traumatic physical event where they are near death.  Each person says they were able to look down on their body and then returned to it.  Most lead a more focused life after the event.

Mediums are people who claim to be able to talk to the spirit of dead people.  I am still unsure how I feel about this.  In no way am I discounting their claims, I just have not been in a situation where I am shown it to be true.

I don’t buy into the concept of heaven or hell.  According to doctrine of some faiths, if you repent prior to death you could get into heaven.  Hmmm…nope, you can’t wipe the slate clean just prior to death.  Dante wrote a famous book called The Devine Comedy, better known as Dante’s Inferno, where he describes the circles of hell.  For centuries, many believed this to be true.  

I side with the group who believes that your body dies but your spirit (energy) remains and just goes out into the universe.  Are you reincarnated at a later date?  I am not convinced of that.  Your soul, your internal energy, transitions to a different environment instead of being in a body.  Many can disagree, but it is what I believe.  

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