Sunday, July 1, 2018

1 July 2018 What Do You Talk To Yourself About?

What Do You Talk To Yourself About?

When I think about it, I talk to myself more than any other person.  Any time I am alone the discussion starts.  I know that the voice I “hear” is not really me. It is just my mind on its 24/7 ramblings.  Sometimes it is rational and others it is not.  Most of the time it is at a fast pace.  There is no thought involved in its responses, just rapid-fire dialogue. 

The challenge is I listened to that voice far longer than I should have.  It rarely gave good advice.  Immediate gratification was its main goal.  It was convincing in its justification for doing things that were not in my best interest.  

Now you might say “wait a minute, it is you that you are having the conversation with.”  I thought that too until I read a book called “The Untethered Soul” by Michael Singer. He gives a great explanation on this. He says you are not the voice in your head, you are one who listens to that voice.  As I said, I not only listened, I followed it. 

I used that voice as an excuse for poor choices.  I still have talks with the voice, I just listen to it ramble on but very rarely take anything seriously.  It is going to talk so matter what I do.  I am able to tune it out when I really need to.  I need to keep reminding myself that it does not offer anything of value and to just listen to my real self. 

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