Monday, July 23, 2018

23 July 2018 What Are They Afraid Of?

What Are They Afraid Of?


Why don’t we see criticism of President Trump from Republican leaders?  I would venture to guess that very few of them wanted him to be President.  I can’t believe they agree with the things he says.  But you hear almost zero public speeches or interviews where anyone will say something negative.  What are they afraid of?  Do they really think he is so powerful that if they say something that upsets him that he can have them voted out of office?   If you don’t stand and speak out for something you disagree with then you deserve to be voted out.  I would think your constituency would welcome someone who represents them to stand strong. 


President Trump talks tough but is just a bully.  He needs people to stand up to him.  Bullies are cowards who talk tough but shrink when faced with real strength.  How can someone look in the mirror and know they should be speaking out?  Saying what you really believe is more important that any political office.  If you are silent that means you are as much a coward as he is.   It also means you condone everything President Trump says and does.  If you do, then that means you are just his lap dog. 


You can be part of a political party and still disagree with someone.  It is a critical part of democracy.  Blind allegiance to anyone is called spineless.  If President Trump lies about something, then Republicans in Congress need to call him out on it every single time.  They can’t let “the little lies” slide by.  If the President says things that are detrimental to our country or allies then take a stand and say so.  Congress always says they are supposed to be a check on the Presidency per the Constitution.  If that is true and it most certainly is, then be that check.  Don’t sit in silence.   Be someone who speaks their mind.  Stand your ground.  People respect thoughtful opposition. President Trump is not strength, you can be.

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