Thursday, July 26, 2018

26 July 2018 What Podcasts Do You Listen To?

What Podcasts Do You Listen To?

I spend a lot of time listening to podcasts.  During the week going to and from work I have them on.  When I work out I listen to one most of the time.  On weekends I get even more time in. Between audio books and podcasts, I listen a lot.  

The main podcasts are Tim Ferriss, Jocko Willink, Joe Rogan and Joe Scarborough. Three of these are multi-hour shows. Jocko is military centric as he is a retired Navy Seal.  Joe Rogan and Tim Ferriss have a wide variety of guests.  Joe Scarborough is a morning tv political show that is broadcast as a podcast after the show ends.  

I try to listen to a couple of foreign podcasts to get a different flavor. Monocle is my favorite magazine. The company also does podcasts on news and culture from all over the world.  It is interesting to hear how news is presented in different countries.

I have to be diligent with my time in order to stay current with these shows. I might not listen to the whole 3 hours on some of them each week, but I do get in some of each.  Not all the guests interest me, so I may let a show or two slide every now and then.   

I watch very little tv as it would take away from my podcasts.  It is very easy for me to get sucked into a series on Netflix, so I avoid them to not tempt me. Though I do watch one or two series each year. 

I really enjoy the podcasts I listen too. They give me the variety of topics to entertain and educate.  It is time well spent.

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