Wednesday, July 11, 2018

11 July 2018 Why No Progress?

Why No Progress?

I told myself at the start of the year that I was committed to reaching my physical goals.  However, I am not going in the right direction at all.  I do know that nutrition alone can get me to my goal.  It may take longer than planned if I don’t include workouts, but I will still succeed.  I kidded myself that workouts allowed to make up for poor nutrition habits.  The results are obvious.

So why if I know what to do but I still don’t do it?  I am not happy with my appearance.  I tell myself over and over that I will change.  But here I am further behind.  

I did have one of those moments where I was confronted with just how bad I have let my health go.  It was embarrassing.  Though no one else saw it, it hurt.  There are no excuses.  I have all the time and knowledge to succeed.  I know it takes time.  I have to accept that.  As much as I want to have it change today, I did not get myself into this position overnight.  

I have to look in the mirror each morning and remind myself why I am doing this. I also have to look in the mirror each evening and ask if my actions that day were consistent with my goal. It is all in my hands.  Or more importantly, what my hand puts in my mouth.   

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