Tuesday, July 17, 2018

17 July 2018 Can We Come Together?

Can We Come Together?

I am trying to think of a scenario where we as a country can be more civil to each other.  We can have disagreements, major ones, but does that mean we can’t treat each other with respect?

Can a President or political leaders actually lead us toward that?  I believe that is one of their major jobs.  We are never going to have full civility between all.  One, there are too many people involved and two, the fringes at each end of the political spectrum are so hard core that there is no compromise with them.  They hate each other with such intensity.  The good news I think is they only represent 10-15% of the population.  Yes, they may be the most vocal and disruptive, but the majority can come together to improve the country.

How do we start? At the local level, have a lot of town hall meetings and community events so people can engage with each other.  The more people meet face to face the better.  It is too easy to hide behind the internet to throw vitriol at someone.  If you have to do it to their face it is another thing.   If the argument gets heated, be the one who maintains your cool and remains respectful.   It is pointless to go on if both sides ratchet up the volume and name calling.  Be the better person.  Listen, really listen to the other person.  As the saying goes; “try first to understand than to be understood.” 

Ask the person to explain why their position is better and not just why yours is bad.  Ask them if there is a compromise they are willing to explore.  Have them explain how gridlock solves anything. 

As much as I want political leaders to lead in civility, I don’t see that happening.  It has to be a grassroots process that builds town by town, county by county and then state by state. It can happen.  I will do my part to support and extend it.


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