Friday, July 13, 2018

13 July 2018 Do You Manipulate Events?

Do You Manipulate Events?

I would say things to people in order to not hurt them or to avoid confrontation. But in doing so, I was not honest with myself or them.  In the end it caused more hurt.  I would manipulate events through my words.  I have made rash decisions that have had major impacts on my life.  The consequences of those decisions are my fault and not from any other. 

Telling someone the truth may hurt, but it would hurt a lot more to keep it inside which causes greater challenges.   There fear of hurting someone overcame any rational thought about the situation.  I would think I was keeping my emotions inside about an issue that I did not want to discuss, but in fact I was acting badly towards someone by giving them false indicators.  

I have to own how people feel if I tell them how I really feel about something that in the past I led them to believe otherwise.  These are discussions I can’t ignore. If they choose to turn away from me, I have accept that as part of the consequence.  

Going forward, I have to be honest in all situations.  I can’t manipulate things just because I want to avoid something. It does not help me or anyone else.   

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