Monday, July 30, 2018

30 July 2018 Who Should I Tell About My Health?

Who Should I Tell About My Health?

I’ve always been very private about my Health. I don’t know why, but it is just something I have always done. There is this guy at work who underwent treatment for prostate cancer. He told everybody all the time in great detail about everything. I sat near him and had to hear the same story told multiple times during the day as different people would come to his desk. Now his was caught early and he only ever missed a day or two of work. I just could not understand why he wanted everyone to know everything about it.

A few days ago, I went into the hospital for a minor heart procedure. The only person I told at work was the lady I provided direct support to. This surgery was done early in the morning and I could’ve been released early afternoon but my doctor is a very cautious type and kept me overnight. So, I missed the last two days of work last week. I didn’t see any reason to tell everybody in office what’s going on. They didn’t have any need to know no though I understand they would have wanted to know because they care.

Many years ago, I had a similar procedure done. At that time, I told my than wife I only wanted her to know. I didn’t tell my daughter who was overseas at the time because I know she would’ve really wanted to come home. I told no one else in my family. Even though I told my wife in no uncertain terms that I wanted no one else to know she still told her sister. She said she had to talk to somebody about it. That procedure was done early in the morning and I was home by early afternoon and work the next day.

This last procedure I did talk about with my daughters and wife before I had it done. I still didn’t tell other family members especially my mother. She is the ultimate pessimist and worrier and I did not think she needed the added stress. I did not tell her about the other heart procedure I had done until over 10 years after it.

If I had an issue that was terminal in nature, then yes I would go see each of the people I care about and have a discussion on it. But if I think it is just a routine procedure then I keep it to myself. Some may agree or disagree, but it is just what I’m comfortable with. 

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