Wednesday, July 18, 2018

18 July 2018 Did He Go To Far?

Did He Go Too Far?

President Trump had a meeting with President Putin.  In the press conference that followed, Trump said Putin told him he did not interfere in the US elections.  The US intel agencies, all of them, said that Russia did in fact interfere. The Congressional committees on intelligence also agree that Russia interfered.  Trump says he believes Putin because Putin told him so.   The US President sides with Russia over the US. The words Trump said left no room for misinterpretation.  

I would never have thought I would ever hear a US President say that.  His ego is so fragile that anything said about the election that may make it seem like he did not win it legitimately, he lashes out and makes false claims.  He is the fake news.  

Will this finally get the US public who voted for him to condemn his behavior? Will Republicans in Congress finally show some backbone and stand up against him?  I don’t think so.   

Presidents get a lot of leeway from constituents. However, when is too far? For me it is when you side with Russia over your intelligence services.  Now I don’t support Trump or like what he has done in office to date. His statements at this press conference crossed a line.  What was political in his action prior has now become that of national interest.  He chose Russia which is not in our national interest.  For that I can never respect or like him.

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