Thursday, July 12, 2018

12 July 2018 What Are Allies?

What Are Allies?

President Trump takes pride is bashing our allies and praising our adversaries. He sees dictators as strong and allied elected leaders as weak.  So what are allies?  Allies don’t need to be friends.  They have goals and practices that are in alignment with ours.  We have a collect relationship for security needs. 

A lot of our traditional allies come from the European area and British Empire. Today we have strategic alliances all over the world.  As I said, allies are not friends like a personal relationship.  Allies have to do what is in their best interest and may not always align with us.  What they do might be hard on a friendship but not an alliance. An ally is a country you could not think of a scenario where military action would occur between each of you.  However, you are willing to support that country if it is attacked.  

President Trump looks at all relationships from a business perspective. Is that country giving us something of benefit?  This shows how ignorant he is of history and why alliances are not necessarily just business based.  If he continues to disparage our allies, they will go where they are wanted.  We do not want to be the country that only wants to be “friendly” with dictators.  He may think he is the league of a dictator by projecting strength, but he is so wrong. They are ruthless, he is not. 

We need to maintain and enhance our relationships with our allies.  We need thriving democracies, not more dictators.  We can maintain a civil discourse with dictators but not praise them. Trump will learn a hard lesson of who really has his back when times get tough.  Dictators have our back but with a knife held to it. Allies have a hand to help push us forward. 

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