Wednesday, July 25, 2018

25 July 2018 Is It A Choice?

Is It A Choice?

I have had a lot of discussions over the years about actions that I say are a choice and others have offered a different argument.  I saw a billboard that said “Obesity Is Not a Choice.”  I beg to differ.  You choose every type and quantity of calorie you put in your body. You may be addicted to food, but that is a different argument.  I feel the same about any addiction.  You choose to either feed that addiction or stop it. No one is holding a gun to your head to shove the food in your mouth, or the needle in your arm, the cigarette you light up, or the alcohol you drink.  By saying it is not a choice seems to absolve the individual of any responsibility for their actions.      

Now I do believe in addictions.  You may have strong cravings for a certain item.  However, each and every time you can stop choosing to do it.  From all I have read it appears to come down to the individual acknowledging that they have a problem and then changing their behavior.  Changing the behavior is another word for making better choices. 

It is never easy to change a behavior.  It takes times and usually has set-backs to go along with the gains. Doing it on your own is equally challenging.  You need a support group for a better chance of success.  

People need to have programs and options in order to help them overcome addictions.  What they don’t need is people telling them it is not their fault or a choice.  You can have compassion but also be firm. Sugar coating things does not help. Giving them excuses does not help. Better choices leads to a better life. 

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