Saturday, July 7, 2018

7 July 208 What Is It With Suicide?

What Is It With Suicide?

I would guess most people would have someone they knew who committed suicide. I had a Navy bud who took his own life. I know I do not have any comprehension of depression.  One of my challenges is I can’t accept that someone says they love their children and spouse and still kills themselves.  If you choose to kill yourself vice being the parent or partner, then you didn’t love them.  How can you look you children in the eyes and tell them you love them and turn around and leave them?  How does hurting them make it better for you?

I am not saying I don’t have empathy for the suicidal person, I do.  They have deep challenges.  However, your responsibilities as a parent have to outweigh any issues you have.  This is especially true if you have young children.  They look up to you and feel so attached to you.  If you go kill yourself, how does someone explain that to a young child?  How does that child not have guilt or lasting sadness?  Mom or dad said they loved me but left.  They didn’t say goodbye.  What did I do wrong? 

Depression needs to be treated.  But you also need to see your family as more important.  Suicide is the ultimate selfish act if you are a parent.  Don’t choose it over your kid.  You may not like your life, but that’s tough.  You chose to be a parent.  Be one until the child can live on their own.   Just don’t lie to them and say how special they are to you and how much you love them. Don’t make them suffer just because you do.    

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