Thursday, July 5, 2018

5 July 2018 What Hobbies Do You Have?

What Hobbies Do You Have?

I have never had any hobbies that I stayed with for any length of time.  I did not collect baseball cards or have an insect collection when I was young.  I was never good at or had an interest in wood working or car repair. Building or fixing stuff is not fun to me. Do I wish I had the talent, of course.  It would have saved a lot of money.  

I played the drums when I was young, but never kept at it.  I tell myself I want to start again or learn the guitar or piano. However, I have not made the time to do it.  I would say that reading is my hobby.  I get great pleasure out of it.  I spend a good deal of my free time on it.  The challenge is it is a passive activity.  A hobby should be an active activity.  

I do try to write each day.  If I maintain consistency with it, it may become a hobby, especially if I choose to write a long form document.  I have dabbled in podcasting and did enjoy it.  I need to just put stuff out there when I want and not tie myself to some ridged schedule.   

I know hobbies bring a great deal of enjoyment to many people.  I will try other activities to see if something takes hold of me, so I want to do it more and more.

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