Tuesday, July 3, 2018

3 July 2018 Do You Like Quiet?

Do You Like Quiet?

I can spend many hours in silence.  I have taken long trips in the car and never turned on the radio or listened to anything.  I am very happy just thinking.  The best feeling is when I walk in the house and nobody is home and I take in the quiet. Those few moments are the so relaxing it resets me from any annoyances’ I may have encountered.   I love to sit out back on the deck. Yes, it is not always quiet out there.  However, when I listen to nature it has its own quieting influence.

My wife is the complete opposite.  She wants the tv on from wake-up to bedtime.  She would have the tv on to fall asleep with if I was not there. In the car she has the radio on all the time.  

I guess I can deal with the quiet because I am comfortable being alone.  It has been that way most of my life.  In my late teen years, I got into reading.  I spend a lot of time doing it.  I like quiet when I read. 

Even though I like quiet, I have not meditated much.  There is a big difference between enjoying quiet and meditation.  

Spending a lot time in quiet does have its challenges at times.  You get to listen to the voice in your head.  As I wrote earlier, sometimes that conversation led to poor choices.  I accept the voice in my head over the tv being on.   

Having quiet time is very important to me.  It keeps me calm.  

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